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There are two main areas where you can find a high concentration of antique stores : Notre-Dame street west (between Atwater and Guy streets) and the museum district downtown (Sherbrooke and Crescent streets). Some "antique" stores on Notre-Dame are more like used furniture stores (that's because permits for antique stores costs less than used furniture store permits) but most of them are still interesting. To get there, you can use the Lionel-Groulx metro station in the south-west then walk east on Notre-Dame (there's a long section of Notre-Dame in the middle that has no stores, most of them are either near Guy street or Atwater street) or take the 35 bus from Guy-Concordia station downtown and get off at Notre-Dame street then walk west. The antique stores in the museum district are more upscale and more expensive, the most interesting is the Petit Musée (it means "little museum"). Its name fits it well since they sell real antiques (ie. from BC), it's located at 1494 Sherbrooke west near the Musée des Beaux-Arts, tel.:(514) 937-6161. There are other stores on Crescent north of de Maisonneuve blvd. If you are looking for traditional québécois furniture, there are two or three stores on Ste-Catherine street west in Westmount (Atwater metro station) that specialize in them (there are other antique stores on Greene ave.).

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