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Autres services de

Nil Bleu

Quartier : Quartier latin et village
Type : Afrique de l'est
Prix : $$
Terrasse : ND
Livraison :
Apportez votre vin : Non

Contact et localisation
Adresse : 3706 rue St-Denis, entre la rue Cherrier et l'ave. des Pins
Métro : Sherbrooke puis marchez vers le nord sur St-Denis
Tél. : 514-285-4628
Fax :
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Vos opinions
Opinion écrite par CQ
Cote : 4.0/5
En une phrase : good ethiopian with great service.
Critique : The 4 rating is there most of all to bring attention to this good and interesting restaurant and to ethiopian cooking in general. If you don't know anything about ethiopian food, it's surprising close to indian food (spice wise). Another surprise about ethiopian cuisine is that you eat with your hands (don't look for ustensils). Actually, they set a large plate in the middle of the table. The plate is lined with injera (spungy crepes) and you put the food that you ordered (that comes in separate bowls) on the plate. Then you tear off a piece of injera and pick up the food and eat. Now back to this particular restaurant. The Nil Bleu is a very comfortable restaurant with a terrasse in front overlooking St-Denis street and the Institut des Sourds. The decor is quite cosy and the air is filled with enscents. The choices in the menu are plentiful (chicken, lamb and beef dishes as well as a good selection of vegetarian dishes). The chicken (doro wot) and the beef in berbere sauce (spicy red sauce) are both excellent, but the lamb pieces were a little too tough and nervous. If you are not sure of what to order, you can try a combo of different dishes. All in all, it makes for a fun evening with (a) friend(s) since everyone can order a different dish and share. As the menu explains desserts and sweets are not part of ethiopian cooking (there's serve only traditional north american dessert). So for dessert you can try La Chartreuse or Au Daphné tea rooms that are near by (although the spiced tea and the ethiopian coffee are great at the Nil Bleu).
Date de critique : Entre 1993 et 2005

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